This is Kahuripan Train Schedule From Bandung to Kediri vv efective on April 2015. Kahuripan Train is an Economy Train that linking Bandung to Yogyakarta and Kediri as last Destinatiaon Stations. The train route will stop at Cibatu, Cipeundeuy, Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Banjar, Langen, Gandrung, Maos, Kroya, Sumpiuh, Gombong, Kutoarjo, Wates, Lempuyangan, Klaten, Purwosari, Sragen, Walikukun, Madiun, Kertosono and the last is Kediri railway Stations. You can use it to go From Bandung to Yogyakarta vv. Start depart at Kiaracondong Bandung 20.00 West Indonesia Time and Arrive Lempuyangan Yogyakarta 04.42, ang Arrive Kediri Stations 09.43 West Indonesia Time. The Tours Bay Rail with Kahuripan Train take 13 hours 43 minutes, almost long journey. To See more detail of timetable, please read table below :
Train Number 182 (Bandung to Kediri)
Stations | Arrivals | Departures |
KIARACONDONG | – | 20.00 |
CIBATU | 21.09 | 21.12 |
CIPEUNDEUY | 21.45 | 21.59 |
TASIKMALAYA | 22.49 | 22.54 |
CIAMIS | 23.21 | 23.23 |
BANJAR | 23.50 | 23.57 |
LANGEN | 00.09 | 00.15 |
GANDRUNG MANGUN | 00.45 | 00.51 |
MAOS | 01.27 | 01.29 |
KROYA | 01.46 | 01.51 |
SUMPIUH | 02.03 | 02.14 |
GOMBONG | 02.30 | 02.23 |
KUTOARJO | 03.16 | 03.41 |
WATES | 04.10 | 04.12 |
LEMPUYANGAN | 04.42 | 04.50 |
KLATEN | 05.13 | 05.15 |
PURWOSARI | 05.39 | 05.45 |
SRAGEN | 06.14 | 06.16 |
WALIKUKUN | 06.37 | 06.39 |
PARON | 06.55 | 06.57 |
MADIUN | 07.20 | 07.35 |
CARUBAN | 07.50 | 07.52 |
NGANJUK | 08.21 | 08.29 |
SUKOMORO | 08.35 | 08.41 |
KERTOSONO | 08.58 | 09.06 |
KEDIRI | 09.43 | – |
Train Number 181 (Kediri to Bandung)
Stations | Arrivals | Departures |
KEDIRI | – | 13.40 |
KERTOSONO | 14.16 | 14.19 |
NGANJUK | 14.39 | 14.43 |
CARUBAN | 15.13 | 15.15 |
MADIUN | 15.30 | 15.55 |
BARAT | 16.06 | 16.10 |
PARON | 16.24 | 16.26 |
WALIKUKUN | 16.44 | 16.46 |
SRAGEN | 17.06 | 17.16 |
KEMIRI | 17.31 | 17.39 |
PURWOSARI | 17.55 | 18.00 |
KLATEN | 18.23 | 18.25 |
LEMPUYANGAN | 18.50 | 18.58 |
WATES | 19.27 | 19.29 |
KUTOARJO | 19.58 | 20.12 |
GOMBONG | 20.56 | 20.58 |
MAOS | 21.38 | 21.40 |
LEBENG | 21.50 | 22.05 |
LANGEN | 23.01 | 23.08 |
BANJAR | 23.20 | 23.27 |
KARANGPUCUNG | 23.35 | 23.44 |
CIAMIS | 00.04 | 00.13 |
TASIKMALAYA | 00.40 | 00.44 |
CIPEUNDEUY | 01.34 | 01.43 |
BUMIWALUYA | 01.55 | 02.02 |
KIARACONDONG | 03.32 | – |
The economy trainset like Kahuripan, the seats is designed 3-2 face to face with other passenger. The capacity each of couch 106 seats / passenger.
For other option From Kediri to Bandung or Yogyakarta to Bandung, you can use Malabar Train. Below The Malabar Train Schedule Malang to Bandung.
Kahuripan Ticket Prices IDR 90.000 for single tarrif. Youg can book it 90 days earlier at OR
I hope your tour by train enjoyable. Explore Indonesia by train and see the beautifull of Indonesia. See Also Krakatau Train Schedule Kediri to Jakarta.